Thursday, 19 June 2008

Golden Jackal

Very similar in shape to a dog, the Golden Jackal is medium in size between the Wolf and the Red Fox. Its sandy grey coat, often tinged red, provides it a very good camouflage in its arid habitats. Largely nocturnal, jackals spend the day hiding in thick vegetation or in a burrow. They do howl communally, but have a clearer and less mellow tone than wolves. They roam over semi-arid, open grassland, cultivated areas and marshes. They are found in Europe but mainly in Greece and further NE of Greece.

Size: body 65-100cm; tail 20-30cm

Young: single litter of 4-6; May-June

Diet: rodents, birds, fruit, insects and carrion, including scraps from human refuse

Status: locally common
This video shows a golden jackal take on vultures bigger than him!!:

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